Competitors and Alternatives Of Brainstorm Pill?

If you think this all sounds a bit over-the-top, I agree with you. Helps you efficiently store learned information. But the idea of a 77% improvement in IQ is a little ridiculous. There are nootropic supplements that can help improve your cognitive functioning. So if you start out with an IQ of 100, Brainstorm Pill will make it 177.  So does Neuro 3X really work the way they say it does?  That’s higher than Einstein’s IQ! Well, we recently got a chance to dive into everything there is to know about this supplement.

Intrigued I clicked on the ad and it took me to a page that seemingly looked like the Discover magazine website. While I was browsing through, I came across an ad that said Will Smith reveals the one key to a limitless mind.  This so called “miracle pill” has been seen on CNN health, ABC News, and Men’s Health, and is apparently the “real life” limitless pill. It talks about a supposed interview with Will Smith that reports him saying he takes a brain booster that doubled his IQ in minutes.   He chronicles his testing over a period of 3 – 4 weeks, and talks about the numerous benefits he saw from it.… Read the rest

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