The TurboTax MyTaxRefund mobile app review allows you to conveniently track your tax refund directly from your mobile device.
Just about everyone at some point has to file an income tax return. This is true whether or not one ends up paying taxes or not. The process of filing one’s returns has been notoriously tedious throughout the years, as it necessitated mailing stacks of papers to the IRS. Subsequent to this, one had to wait for the refund. This changed somewhat after e-filing came on stream, but one still had to wait for the return without anyway to track the progress of the same. Thanks to the new TurboTax mobile app, this too is about to change.
About The TurboTax MyTaxRefund Mobile App
If you would like calling the IRS helpline and holding for minutes or hours on end to be a thing of the past, then the TurboTax app is perfect for you. The MyTaxRefund app from Turbo Tax is perfect for tracking the status of your tax refund right from the comfort and convenience of your smartphone, tablet or other compatible mobile device.
The latest TurboTax upgrade has made the app easier to navigate, and can still be used by anyone who has filed their returns electronically — either using TurboTax or some other electronic service.… Read the rest