If a group of people are interested starting a blog there is fine solution for them. Group blogs are best for several people working together over the blog. In a group blog there are multiple members and this type of blog will be categorized as secondary blogs. So, how to start a blog with several users and how the owner can add other members to his/her own blog are the questions. There are lots of sites from which you will find the manual videos on how you will add other people to the group blog. Before that you should be clear what is the difference between a member and an admin?
Admin has the full authority to invite new members, remove users as well as delete posts by any of the members. The members will be able to post to a blog and remove their own posts. Only the admin can view and reply to the messages of the blog but the members cannot. If the admin want he or she can give the admin privileges to a member. In order to do that the admin will go to the member page and click the promote to admin button. Then the admin select the name of the member whom he or she likes to get as admin.… Read the rest